Northern Territory Geochronology Samarium-Neodymium (Sm-Nd) Isotopic Dataset

This dataset comprises Sm-Nd isotopic ratios and model age determinations of whole rock and mineral samples from the Northern Territory. The data are sourced from the Northern Territory Geological Survey (NTGS) and collaborating researchers and laboratories. This dataset comprises sample metadata, analytical data and bibliographic references, isotopic ratios are measured using MC-ICPMS, LA-ICPMS and TIMS determination methods. Initial epsilon Nd values for igneous rocks are corrected to the magmatic crystallisation age of the sample where known. Corrections are only applied to sedimentary rocks where the sample has a unimodal age or the sequence contains a dated volcanic unit. The dataset is updated on an annual basis.

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Contact Manager Geoscience Business Systems
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Refresh Frequency Annually
Last Updated 11 September 2023
Published 13 November 2018