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Cancer Incidence and Mortality Northern Territory 1991-2005

In the Northern Territory (NT) the Northern Territory Cancer Registry (NTCR) collects data about NT residents who are either diagnosed with cancer or die from cancer. The NTCR analyses and reports the data to provide information for health service planning and delivery, as well as for informing the general public. In this report summary statistics are presented on all new cases of cancer diagnosed among NT residents during the 15-year period 1991–2005 and on all cancer deaths during the 13- year period 1991–2003. Equivalent summary statistics for the Australian population are included for comparative purposes. Additionally, for the first time graphical representation of trends in NT cancer incidence and mortality rates are provided for each cancer site. To allow comparison of incidence rates and deaths rates within the NT population and with the wider Australian population, the rates were adjusted for the increase in total populations and for the changing age profile within the populations.

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Last Updated 28 July 2020
Published 28 July 2020