This polygon spatial dataset displays sub-catchments over the Northern Territory including a 70 km buffer beyond the border. The data was sourced from the Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (AHGF Geofabric) V2.1.1 via the Commonwealth of Australia (Bureau of Meteorology). The original data, Contracted Catchments, has been renamed to Sub-catchments to provide a better understanding of the data name. This data is displayed in the Department's on-line web mapping system NR Maps. Caution for use: The sub-catchment (contracted catchment) boundaries describe no flow areas within the Victoria-Wiso Basin. The modelling has impacted the boundary extent of Regional Catchments created for Geofabric. Catchment boundaries previously displayed by the Australian Surface Water Management Areas 2000 (ASWMA) are no longer displayed. These particular areas should be used with caution. Notes about original data: The AGHFContractedCatchments are based upon the fully disaggregated stream segment level catchments derived from GEODATA 9 second DEM foundation data. These data define a catchment for every stream segment in the Surface Network product. The AHGFContractedCatchments is the set of predefined aggregated catchments. This is the component of the product whose outflow node is a Contracted Node that is guaranteed to persist.