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On 23 September 2024 at 11:05:26 am ACST
  • Changed title to Wholesale Alcohol Supply, June Quarter 2024 (previously Wholesale Alcohol Supply, June 2024)

  • Moved Wholesale Alcohol Supply, June Quarter 2024 from organization Industry, Tourism and Trade to organization Tourism and Hospitality

  • Updated description of Wholesale Alcohol Supply, June Quarter 2024 from

    Wholesale Alcohol Supply, June 2024
    Wholesalers registered to trade alcohol in the NT provide the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade with data on the volume of alcohol supplied to licensed retailers by product type (cask wine, bottled wine, fortified wine, cider, standard spirits, pre-mixed spirits, full strength beer, mid strength beer and low strength beer). The volume of each product supplied is multiplied by its estimated fraction of alcohol content so that the amount of pure alcohol associated with each product type can be compared. The figures presented represent the wholesale supply in litres of Pure Alcohol Content (PAC). Statistics are presented by region.