f | { | f | { |
| "author": "Data Requests Officer", | | "author": "Data Requests Officer", |
n | "author_email": "datarequests.denr@nt.gov.au", | n | "author_email": "datarequests.depws@nt.gov.au", |
| "creator_user_id": "ab5d4952-e1fb-4e77-9dd3-447c2ef70aab", | | "creator_user_id": "ab5d4952-e1fb-4e77-9dd3-447c2ef70aab", |
| "data_group": "Environment", | | "data_group": "Environment", |
n | "extras": [ | n | |
| { | | |
| "key": "Data Group", | | |
| "value": "Environment" | | |
| }, | | |
| { | | |
| "key": "Refresh Frequency", | | |
| "value": "Refer to metadata" | | |
| } | | |
| ], | | |
| "groups": [ | | "groups": [ |
| { | | { |
| "description": "Water, animals, native plants, weeds, | | "description": "Water, animals, native plants, weeds, |
| environment data, environment protection, home gardens, and soil, land | | environment data, environment protection, home gardens, and soil, land |
| and vegetation.", | | and vegetation.", |
| "display_name": "Environment", | | "display_name": "Environment", |
| "id": "d94c8fc7-6faf-4928-bd53-489ffadfeaf5", | | "id": "d94c8fc7-6faf-4928-bd53-489ffadfeaf5", |
| "image_display_url": | | "image_display_url": |
| .corp.ntgov/uploads/group/2021-05-11-021727.8339100008Enviroment.png", | | .corp.ntgov/uploads/group/2021-05-11-021727.8339100008Enviroment.png", |
| "name": "environment", | | "name": "environment", |
| "title": "Environment" | | "title": "Environment" |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "id": "14325e33-f9e8-483d-8a77-d17c63a1c0d6", | | "id": "14325e33-f9e8-483d-8a77-d17c63a1c0d6", |
| "isopen": true, | | "isopen": true, |
n | "license_id": "cc-by", | n | "license_id": "other-at", |
| "license_title": "Creative Commons Attribution", | | "license_title": "Other (Attribution)", |
| "license_url": "http://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by", | | |
| "maintainer": "", | | "maintainer": "", |
| "maintainer_email": "", | | "maintainer_email": "", |
| "metadata_created": "2019-12-09T23:51:53.366844", | | "metadata_created": "2019-12-09T23:51:53.366844", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2021-06-22T19:07:26.417181", | n | "metadata_modified": "2021-12-17T01:53:25.185194", |
| "name": "land-systems-todd-river-station", | | "name": "range-land-systems-todd-river-station", |
| "notes": "This metadata record covers a series of soil and land | | "notes": "A series of soil and land resource surveys were conducted |
| resource maps in the Alice Springs region from surveys conducted | | between 1976 and 1991 in the Alice Springs region over 43 pastoral |
| between 1976 and 1991. This mapping covers 43 pastoral leases some of | | leases, some of which are now Aboriginal Land Trusts. All mapping was |
| which are now Aboriginal Land Trusts. The mapping and accompanying | | originally published in hard copy format and digitised into a GIS |
| reports were published to provide information and advice on how | | polygon spatial format between 2013 and 2018.\r\n\r\nIn 2020, a |
| pastures could be managed to optimise productivity in the long term. | | project was initiated to create consistent descriptive attributes for |
| In most cases, the datasets and accompanying reports aim to refine the | | the spatial datasets and also update the mapping products. The updata |
| original land system mapping published by Perry et.al. (1962) and | | spatial datasets for the pastoral properties will be published in |
| provides general descriptions of the landscape and vegetation. All | | groups and will be listed in the Lineage notes in the metadata record. |
| mapping was originally published in hard copy format only and | | ata?type=html&metadata_id=A387392F36456809E040CD9B214458CE.\r\n\r\nThe |
| digitised into a GIS polygon spatial format between 2013 and 2018. | | Technical Reports are not generally available. They are held in the |
| The pastoral properties covered are listed below; Aileron, Alcoota, | | Arid Zone Research Institute Library in Alice Springs. Contact: |
| Allambi, Amburla, Bond Springs, Bushy Park, Central Mt Wedge, | | azri.library@nt.gov.au", |
| Coniston, Deep Well, Derwent, Dneiper, Erldunda, Hamilton Downs, | | |
| Henbury, Huckitta, Jervois, Jinka, Kulgera, Lilla Creek, Lyndavale, | | |
| Maryvale, Milton Park, Mt Cavenagh, Mt Denison, Mt Ebenezer, Mt | | |
| Riddock, Napperby, Narwietooma, New MacDonald Downs, Numery, Old | | |
| MacDonald Downs, Owen Springs, Palmer Valley, Pine Hill, Ringwood, | | |
| Suplejack, Todd River, Umbeara, Undoolya, Utopia, Waite River, | | |
| Woodgreen (Atartinga) and Yambah.", | | |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 1, |
n | "num_tags": 4, | n | "num_tags": 3, |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2018-11-09T14:37:52.976515", | | "created": "2018-11-09T14:37:52.976515", |
| "description": "The Department of Environment, Parks and Water | | "description": "The Department of Environment, Parks and Water |
| Security (DEPWS) was established by the Northern Territory Government | | Security (DEPWS) was established by the Northern Territory Government |
| on 8 September 2020.\r\n\r\nThis new department combined the functions | | on 8 September 2020.\r\n\r\nThis new department combined the functions |
| of the previous Department of Environment and Natural Resources and | | of the previous Department of Environment and Natural Resources and |
| the Parks and Wildlife Commission from the former Department of | | the Parks and Wildlife Commission from the former Department of |
| Tourism, Sport and Culture (DTSC).\r\n\r\nThe government established | | Tourism, Sport and Culture (DTSC).\r\n\r\nThe government established |
| the department to combine many of the key functions that foster and | | the department to combine many of the key functions that foster and |
| protect the environment and natural resources in the Northern | | protect the environment and natural resources in the Northern |
| Territory (NT). This includes water, land resource management, | | Territory (NT). This includes water, land resource management, |
| environmental issues and the parks and wildlife | | environmental issues and the parks and wildlife |
| functions.\r\n\r\n\r\nData supplied by this department is free of | | functions.\r\n\r\n\r\nData supplied by this department is free of |
| charge to the public and supplied under the Creative Commons License | | charge to the public and supplied under the Creative Commons License |
| https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode. Each zipped | | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode. Each zipped |
| geospatial data package provided by this department includes spatial | | geospatial data package provided by this department includes spatial |
| data, metadata, reports and maps if available.\r\n\r\nThe department | | data, metadata, reports and maps if available.\r\n\r\nThe department |
| hosts NR Maps (https://nrmaps.nt.gov.au/nrmaps.html). This is a free | | hosts NR Maps (https://nrmaps.nt.gov.au/nrmaps.html). This is a free |
| public web mapping tool to display NT natural resource | | public web mapping tool to display NT natural resource |
| information.\r\n", | | information.\r\n", |
| "id": "e0039694-511f-4b1d-9b36-ef62e09450a2", | | "id": "e0039694-511f-4b1d-9b36-ef62e09450a2", |
| "image_url": | | "image_url": |
| "2018-11-14-013338.5919202018-05-07-084008510920dts-logo-002.png", | | "2018-11-14-013338.5919202018-05-07-084008510920dts-logo-002.png", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
n | "name": "department-of-environment-and-natural-resources", | n | "name": "department-of-environment-parks-and-water-security", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "Environment, Parks and Water Security ", | | "title": "Environment, Parks and Water Security ", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
n | | n | "other_license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", |
| | | "other_license_url": |
| | | "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode", |
| "owner_org": "e0039694-511f-4b1d-9b36-ef62e09450a2", | | "owner_org": "e0039694-511f-4b1d-9b36-ef62e09450a2", |
| "private": false, | | "private": false, |
| "refresh_frequency": "Refer to metadata", | | "refresh_frequency": "Refer to metadata", |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
| "resources": [ | | "resources": [ |
| { | | { |
| "cache_last_updated": null, | | "cache_last_updated": null, |
| "cache_url": null, | | "cache_url": null, |
| "created": "1976-01-01T00:00:00", | | "created": "1976-01-01T00:00:00", |
| "datastore_active": false, | | "datastore_active": false, |
| "description": "Dowload geospatial data package", | | "description": "Dowload geospatial data package", |
| "format": "ESRI Shape file", | | "format": "ESRI Shape file", |
| "id": "df5de7cf-582a-4919-94c5-20a88495e496", | | "id": "df5de7cf-582a-4919-94c5-20a88495e496", |
| "last_modified": "1991-01-01T00:00:00", | | "last_modified": "1991-01-01T00:00:00", |
| "metadata_modified": "1976-01-01T00:00:00", | | "metadata_modified": "1976-01-01T00:00:00", |
| "mimetype": "application/zip", | | "mimetype": "application/zip", |
| "mimetype_inner": null, | | "mimetype_inner": null, |
| "name": "Land Systems Todd River Station", | | "name": "Land Systems Todd River Station", |
| "package_id": "14325e33-f9e8-483d-8a77-d17c63a1c0d6", | | "package_id": "14325e33-f9e8-483d-8a77-d17c63a1c0d6", |
| "position": 0, | | "position": 0, |
| "resource_type": null, | | "resource_type": null, |
| "size": null, | | "size": null, |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "url": | | "url": |
| 98e525f85f0794125a3156b2b279e&realfilename=LandSystems_toddr_250.zip", | | 98e525f85f0794125a3156b2b279e&realfilename=LandSystems_toddr_250.zip", |
| "url_type": null | | "url_type": null |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "tags": [ | | "tags": [ |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "Biota", | | "display_name": "Biota", |
| "id": "c79804d1-fabf-49e6-88cb-a3d03b78e22a", | | "id": "c79804d1-fabf-49e6-88cb-a3d03b78e22a", |
| "name": "Biota", | | "name": "Biota", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
| "display_name": "Environment", | | "display_name": "Environment", |
| "id": "0f48116b-be3b-4921-8274-3b056443cc6e", | | "id": "0f48116b-be3b-4921-8274-3b056443cc6e", |
| "name": "Environment", | | "name": "Environment", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| }, | | }, |
| { | | { |
n | "display_name": "Farming", | n | |
| "id": "35f35511-dd52-400c-97b4-7307ac690e3a", | | |
| "name": "Farming", | | |
| "state": "active", | | |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | |
| }, | | |
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| "name": "Geoscientific Information", | | "name": "Geoscientific Information", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
n | "title": "Land Systems Todd River Station", | n | "title": "Range Land Systems Todd River Station", |
| "type": "dataset", | | "type": "dataset", |
| "url": | | "url": |
| a/export_data?type=html&metadata_id=A387392F36456809E040CD9B214458CE", | | a/export_data?type=html&metadata_id=A387392F36456809E040CD9B214458CE", |
t | "version": "" | t | "version": "2" |
| } | | } |