Tiwi Islands Generalised Vegetation Cover
This is a composite map (1:250,000 scale dataset) compiled from a number of source datasets at varying scales. No photo interpretation or verifying field-work was undertaken to... -
A spatial index of all map products created by this department
This spatial polygon dataset displays the footprint location for each map product created by this department. This index provides access to download map products as a PDF. The... -
Waste Discharge Site locations for Environment Protection Licences and Waste...
This spatial dataset has point geometry representing the location of waste discharge sites that have been approved by the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority in... -
Erosion hazard or restricted use areas under Soil Conservation Act
This is a compilation of polygon datasets defining the spatial extents of protected land declared under the Northern Territory Soil Conservation Act deemed to be subject to soil... -
Boundary extents of all water resource surveys
Compilation of polygon spatial datasets describing Water Resource Surveys over the Northern Territory. Each water resource survey is represented by a single polygon covering the... -
Sinkholes of the Katherine Region
This study includes the first comprehensive description of sinkholes and their characteristics in the Katherine region where karst topography is a predominant component of the... -
Sites of Conservation Significance
This spatial dataset (polygons) identifies 67 sites of significance for biodiversity conservation in the Northern Territory: 42 considered to be of International conservation... -
Sites of Botanical Significance
The sites of botanical significance are broadly defined and mostly cover large areas, with average size being 500 square kilometres. The sites are areas that are considered... -
Hydrogeology of the Darwin Region 1:250,000
This polygon spatial dataset describes hydrogeology over the Greater Darwin Region mapped at a scale of 1:250,000. The description includes aquifer types, geology and... -
Wetlands of the Simpson Desert
This dataset is the basin wetlands throughout the area of the Simpson Desert that lies above the Northern Territory (NT) portion of the Great Artesian Basin (groundwater basin).... -
Water Resources of North East Bathurst Island
A preliminary land, water and biodiversity investigation in late 2013 identified several areas across the Tiwi Islands as potentially suitable for agricultural land. The area... -
NT Water Protection Areas (WPA)
Water Protection areas (WPA) are specific areas (with defined boundary) within a Water Allocation Plan area to protect the area groundwater or surface water resources through... -
NT Water Control Districts (WCD)
Water Control Districts (WCDs) are areas declared where there is a need for enhanced management for the sustainability of groundwater and surface water resources. Under the... -
NT Water Surface Water Licence Extraction Points
Groundwater Extraction Points This spatial dataset contains point features associated with a groundwater extraction licence granted by the Controller of Water Resources. The... -
NT Water Groundwater Licence Extraction Points
Groundwater Extraction Points This spatial dataset contains point features associated with a groundwater extraction licence granted by the Controller of Water Resources. The... -
Alice Springs Flood Investigation and Floodplain Mapping Study
The aim of the study is to develop a 2 dimensional flood model, which allows flood flow in a complex flood plain to be modelled, to determine the extent and severity of riverine... -
Stray Creek Catchment Vegetation Survey
This spatial dataset describes the mapped polygons for the vegetation survey of the Stray Creek catchment at a scale of 1:25 000. The Stray Creek sub-catchment is located... -
National Vegetation Information System compilation
NVIS is a compilation of several surveys of varying scales, that were re-coded and re-attributed for the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS). This forms Theme 3 of the... -
NT Melaleuca Survey, scale 100k
This is a high resolution survey (1:100,000 scale spatial dataset) describing mapped vegetation units of Melaleuca forest communities in the Northern Territory. The mapped... -
Mount Todd Vegetation Survey
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the vegetation map unit boundaries for the proposed Mt Todd (Batman) joint venture mine site and surrrounding area....