Bushfire NT Administration Boundaries

The Bushfires NT Administrative Boundaries define the spatial extents of areas as determined by the Minister as statutory instruments under the Bushfires Management Act 2016, for the purpose of managing wildfire in areas outside of major towns in the Northern Territory. The areas apply to all land tenures across the Northern Territory and exclude Emergency Response Areas (ERA's) as defined under the Fire and Emergency Act. ERA's are small areas covering urban and urban-fringe development around major population centres. Each of these boundary polygons are categorised into three dataset groups; 1. Fire Management Zones (previously referred to as Fire Control Regions): declared by Gazette notice under the Bushfires Management Act and establish an area for regional committees, regional bushfire management plans and have specific controls. 2. Fire Protection Zones: declared by Gazette notice under the Bushfires Management Act and are areas of identified higher risk and have specific controls. 3. Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Areas For more information about the basic fire laws for the Northern Territory, please view https://denr.nt.gov.au/land-resource-management/bushfire-information-and-management/bushfires-act-nt

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Last Updated 23 June 2021
Published 10 December 2019