Gulf of Carpentaria Storm, Tide and Inundation Study

The objective of the study is to quantify the likehood of coastal and associated waterway areas within the Gulf of Carpentaria area being inundated by storm tide caused either by severe tropical cyclones or broadscale atmospheric influences. The study outcomes provided inundation maps showing storm tide elevation depth that corresponds to a specific return perios risk or ARI. The provided storm tide probability levels are 100,1000 and10,000 year ARI. The inundation extent shows the total storm surge (technical terminology is storm tide) hazard risk due to tropical cyclones in terms of the ocean water level comprising the combined effects of astronomical tide plus storm surge plus wave setup for three statistical Average Recurrence Intervals (ARI) at a nearby open coast location as noted in the map. The Primary Storm Surge (PSS) Zone refers to the extent of inundation for a storm tide event of 100 year ARI. The Secondary Storm Surge (SSS) Zone refers to the further extent of inundation for a storm tide event of 1000 year ARI. The Extreme Storm Surge Zone refers to the further extent of inundation for a storm tide event of 10000 year ARI. The extent of PSS is used for land use planning. The extent of SSS is an additional information for risk analysis. The extent do not include the possible effects of very localised wave runup. The storm surge extend boundaries polygon collected via geographic Information system (ArcGIS). The ESRI Geodatabase, MapInfo Table and Google Earth KML derived using FME Workbench. The published map is derived from the ESRI Shape using Microstation Bentley MicroStation Design (V8) software. The core attributes information associated with the storm surge extents was derived from the original map's legend and annotations.

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Last Updated 23 June 2021
Published 10 December 2019