Vegetation and Land Type Mapping of Amungee Mungee Pastoral Lease

This report and mapping has been developed to support the assessment of proposed subdivision of NT Portion 1079, Amungee Mungee Station located on the Carpentaria Highway on the eastern margin of the Sturt Plateau. The mapping is the result of field observations and site inspections integrated with satellite imagery to derive land type classes. Class descriptions include dominate land form, vegetation and soils information. A total of twelve vegetation / land types have been described with three additional classes for areas that were unclassified, cleared or had open water. The vegetation / land type descriptions should only be considered a reconnaissance level of investigation and have not been formally assessed for line-work or classification accuracy. The spatial data is relevant to a scale of 1:100,000.

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Last Updated 23 June 2021
Published 10 December 2019