NT Weed Records (points)
There are two Northern Territory (NT) (presence and absence point) Weed Datasets describing the recorded weed status at a single point in time. The datasets are compiled from... -
Northern Territory Land Systems (compilation of north_250 and south_1M)
This spatial dataset is a compilation of the Northern Land Systems (scale 1:250 000) and the Southern Land Systems (scale 1:1 000 000). Land Systems of the Northern Part of the... -
Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the Gunn...
This spatial dataset provides polygon information delineating land unit boundaries at a scale of 1: 25 000 and describes the dominant landform, soils and vegetation of the Gunn... -
Land Units Curtin Springs
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land unit boundaries of Curtin Springs Station, Northern Territory and describes dominant landform, soils and... -
Mangrove Community Mapping: Charles Point to Gunn Point, 2016
This polygon spatial dataset provides new information on mangrove communities in Darwin Harbour, Shoal Bay and Charles Point. The survey area covers approximately 32,000... -
Mangrove Survey Darwin Harbour 1996
This polygon spatial dataset describes the mangrove communities for Darwin Harbour and its environs. The original field survey was undertaken in 1995 at a mapping scale of... -
Ludmilla Creek Vegetation Survey
This is a high resolution survey (1:5,000 scale dataset) describing mapped vegetation communities for the Ludmilla Creek catchment area (within the City of Darwin, Northern... -
Mangrove Survey Bynoe Harbour 1998
This polygon spatial dataset describes the mangrove communities for Bynoe Harbour and its environs. The original field survey was undertaken in 1998 at a mapping scale of... -
Land Units Timber Creek Township
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land unit boundaries of the Timber Creek Township, Northern Territory and describes dominant landform, soils and... -
Land Units Trial Paddocks McArthur River Station
This high resolution land resource survey dataset describes landform, soil and vegetation. The mapped information describes attributed land unit polygons over an area of 97.3km2... -
Land Units Umbeara Station
This polygon dataset describes the land resources of Umbeara Station, occupying an area of 3,600 km2, located approximately 200 km south of Alice Springs. The land resource... -
Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the...
Version 2. This spatial dataset provides polygon information delineating land unit boundaries at a scale of 1: 25 000 and describes the dominant landform, soils and vegetation... -
Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the...
Version 2. Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture on NT Portion 4478 and 4663 in the Larrimah Township area, Sturt Plateau. Department survey code... -
Potential Land for Long-term Sustainable Food Production, 2014, Second Edition
Potential Land for Long-term Sustainable Food Production. Soil and Water Suitability Assessment, 2nd Edition. Oct, 2014. This 2014 report and spatial data supercedes the... -
Fauna Atlas subset - Fish
Point records of fauna observational data within the Northern Territory for Fish. Includes date, time and location of sighting. This is a subset of the Northern Territory Fauna... -
NT Flora Atlas
The database of all flora records that are managed by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Records are derived from the NT Vegetation Site Database and... -
NT Fauna Atlas
This is a comprehensive database of all known vertebrate fauna records, including mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and fish, as well threatened invertebrates, for the Northern... -
Vegetation Communities of the Southern Part of Flying Fox Station
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on vegetation communities over the southern part of Flying Fox Station, Northern Territory. This dataset is mapped at a nominal... -
Sandsheet Heath Vegetation, Darwin Region
Mapping of Sandsheet Heath Vegetation within the Darwin region -
Land Units Undoolya Rocky Hill Station
Land Resources of The Undoolya Rocky Hill Agricultural Block. NT Portion 1476. A Reconnaissance Land Resources Survey to Assess Potential Areas for Horticultural Development....