Land Use Mapping Project of the Northern Territory, 2016 - 2024 (LUMP)
This polygon spatial dataset describes land use in the Northern Territory from 2016 - 2024. The Northern Territory Land use mapping for improved biosecurity outcomes product...- ESRI GDB
Northern Territory Land Systems (compilation of north_250 and south_1M)
This spatial dataset is a compilation of the Northern Land Systems (scale 1:250 000) and the Southern Land Systems (scale 1:1 000 000). Land Systems of the Northern Part of the...- ESRI Shape file
Land Units Mount Ringwood Station
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land unit boundaries of Mount Ringwood Station, Northern Territory and describes dominant landform, soils and...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Land Capability Assessment of Weddell
This spatial dataset provides polygon information on the land capability map units of the Weddell area, Northern Territory. This survey provides high resolution (1:10,000 scale)...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Risk to Biodiversity in the Gunn Point Area, 2020
This polygon spatial dataset describes the Risk to Biodiversity in the Gunn Point Area, north of Darwin in the Northern Territory. The Gunn Point Area covers approximately...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area, 2020
This polygon spatial dataset describes vegetation communities in the Gunn Point Area, north of Darwin in the Northern Territory. The area was mapped at a scale of 1:25,000. The...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Groundwater resources of the Gunn Point Area, 2020
A groundwater resource investigation has been undertaken in the Gunn Point region as part of the Mapping the Future project 2018-2022 to inform land use and water resource...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the Gunn Po...
This spatial dataset provides polygon information delineating land unit boundaries at a scale of 1: 25 000 and describes the dominant landform, soils and vegetation of the Gunn...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Land Units Curtin Springs
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land unit boundaries of Curtin Springs Station, Northern Territory and describes dominant landform, soils and...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Soils of the Kilfoyle Plain, 1967
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land unit boundaries of the Kilfoyle Plains within the Lower Daly River Region, Northern Territory and describes...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Soils of the Lower Daly River Region, 1975
This polygon spatial dataset provides information on the land unit boundaries of the Lower Daly River Region, Northern Territory and describes landform, soils and some...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Southern Flying Fox Part A - Land Resources and General Land Capability
This spatial dataset provides polygon information delineating land unit boundaries at a scale of 1: 100 000 and describes the dominant landform, soils and vegetation of the...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Vegetation Survey of Weddell
This high resolution vegetation survey (scale 1:10,000) and accompanying polygon spatial dataset provides information about the vegetation communities over the Weddell area,...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Development Potential in the Gunn Point Area, 2020
In June 2020 the Department of Environment and Environment and Natural Resources completed a project to provide an integrated overview of the land capability, water availability...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Development Potential in the Wadeye Area, 2021
In June 2021, the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security completed a project to provide an integrated overview of the land capability, water availability and...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Risk to Biodiversity in the Wadeye Area, 2021
This polygon spatial dataset describes the Risk to Biodiversity in the Wadeye Area, located approximately 250 km south-east of Darwin in the Northern Territory. The biodiversity...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Water Resources of the Wadeye Area 2020
A groundwater resource investigation has been undertaken in the Wadeye Area as part of the Mapping the Future project 2018-2022 to inform land use and water resource planning....- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Classification of Water Resources Top End and Arid Zone (Climate Zones)
This polygon spatial dataset defines the Top End region and Arid Zone regions as defined by the Northern Territory Water Allocation Planning Framework. The regions are also...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Vegetation Communities of Cobourg Peninsula
This is a compilation of several polygon spatial datasets and provides broad information on the vegetation map unit boundaries of Garig Gunak Barlu National Park, Northern...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file
Mangroves of the Darwin Region: Native Point to Adelaide River, 1996-2016
This polygon spatial dataset provides new information on mangrove communities in the Darwin Region. All previous mangrove surveys were standardised and combined to produce one...- ESRI GDB, ESRI Shape file